

Hosting & Domains


We offer the ultimate solution to meet all your Domain and Web Hosting needs.

VisualWeb Web Design

Web Hosting

Web hosting is a crucial component of building an online presence, as it ensures your website is accessible to your target audience. At our company, we specialise in providing web hosting services that are fast, reliable, and secure.

Our web hosting services are designed to provide fast loading times, high performance, and scalability, ensuring your website operates optimally. We understand that different businesses have varying web resource needs, and as such, we offer advanced technology and hardware to manage it all. Whether you’re a startup, running a high-traffic business, or have an established cluster of data servers, we have a web hosting plan that caters to your specific requirements.

We believe that each business is unique and requires a customised web hosting plan to meet its needs. That’s why we offer flexible design plans tailored to your business requirements. We take the time to understand your hosting needs and work with you to ensure that your website is up and running seamlessly.

At our Visual, we have strategically located servers to ensure that your customers maintain a strong online presence. With our web hosting services, you can be confident that your website is reliable and secure. We offer features such as SSL certificates, daily backups, and malware scanning to enhance your website’s performance and security.

Web hosting is essential in building an online presence. At VisualWeb, we offer web hosting services that are fast, reliable, and secure, ensuring that your website operates optimally. We provide flexible design plans tailored to your business requirements and understand your hosting needs. With our strategically located servers, your customers can maintain a strong online presence, making your website accessible to your target audience. 

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

We guarantee that our hosting will be up 99.9% of the time.

Safe and Secured

Our team assured your hosting is always safe and secure

Dedicated Support

Melbourne based local team available via live chat or email

Ensuring our customers receive the best possible service is our top priority, and we are passionate about achieving this goal. We continually seek ways to enhance our service and strive to guarantee our customers’ satisfaction.

We believe that satisfied customers are the best form of advertising for our business. By providing exceptional service and meeting our customers’ needs, we are confident that they will share their positive experiences with others, helping us to grow and reach new heights.

At our company, we take pride in providing excellent customer service and are committed to ensuring that our customers are happy with our service. We understand that every customer has unique requirements and strive to cater to their individual needs.

In conclusion, our passion for providing the best possible service to our customers drives us to continually improve and ensure their satisfaction. We believe that happy customers are our best advertisement and take pride in delivering excellent service to all our customers.

Daily backups

Free migrations

Staging environments

The perfect answer to all your Web Hosting requirements

Our services include:

Web Hosting & Domains » VisualWeb

VisualWeb and Web Hosting Services

The perfect answer to all your Web Hosting and Domain requirements  

Powerful server and platform

100% Australian Servers

100% Australian owned

Being located in Australia, we ensure that our customers don't have to deal with the inconvenience of overseas calls or experience significant network latency. Our local technical support team is always available to provide prompt assistance, resulting in a seamless user experience.

Litespeed webserver

Our servers are equipped with high-performance Litespeed technology and fast disk storage, ensuring top-notch website speed and performance even during peak traffic periods. This boosts your website's visibility and credibility, leading to higher search engine rankings and increased traffic flow.

One-Click Apps for Instant Activation

Choose from a range of popular web applications such as WordPress and Magento, among others. Our vast selection of pre-installed apps allows for quick and easy installation, enabling you to set up your website and begin working immediately.

Web Hosting & Domains » VisualWeb

Ask us for domain registration

If you need help with domain registration, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We offer reliable and efficient domain registration services to help you secure your online identity. So, feel free to contact us for assistance with your domain registration needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a read through some of our FAQs or contact us for help

Is web hosting necessary?

In order to get a website active and live on the internet, you need hosting and domain. Web hosting is basically the space that you need on a web server to store your website files and the domain is to access the website from the browser.

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organisations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.

This is an address that directs visitors to your website. You can purchase this from us or other providers online.

Secure Sockets Layer is a standard technique applied to secure link between web browsers and web server. It adds “s” to http.  

Browsers are increasingly making SSL certificate a requirement; we recommend you to apply for it irrespective of the size and purpose of your website. 

Yes, we will provide a free standard SSL Certificate as long as your domain points to one of our hosting plans/servers. Your domain will automatically have it configured within 24 hours. 

What is DNS?

DNS, or Domain Name System, is a system that makes it possible for you to type in a domain instead of an IP address. This system has been around since the early days of the internet and has been instrumental in making it easier for users to connect to a certain website without having to memorise the IP address. 

We offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our services, we will issue you a reimbursement within 30 days.

Phone support is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm AEST. 

In order to register.,,, au domain names you must provide either: an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN) 

Yes we do. Click here to learn more about our WordPress Maintenance packages. 

Yes. Visual domains offers hosting for eCommerce website’s which is both reliable and secure.

Our servers are also hosted locally which will mean fast loading time, however it will depend on the size and and amount of products in the website. 

Contact us Call 1300 144 414

Email Hosting Packages

Microsoft 365 Plans

Email Hosting Packages

Email Plans

WordPress Maintenance Services & Security Packages

WordPress Maintenance Plans

Web Hosting Packages

Hosting Plans

Web Design Packages

Web Design Packages